Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Just because I do not know what to post, so I post this.

I've got from another blog about this. This is Q&A and I answer myself

1. What is your full name initials?  

2. What time did you wake up in the morning?
Around 4.30 a.m
3. Books do you like?
Science, Comics, Novels
4. What is the last movie you watched in theaters?
Nothing. It's been a while I hadn't go to theater.
5. Kind of your favorite music?

Japanese one. I'm otaku

6. If you are free to choose, would you choose to live where?

7. Objects that you take everywhere? 
Clothes, wallet, cellphone

8. Meal you do not like? 
Not in particular 

9. Number do you like?  

10If given the chance going anywhere, where are you going?  
Tokyo, Japan

11. Thing that makes you upset
Too many
12. The day what you like? 
They are same for me

13. Colors that you hate?
14. Where were you born? 

In hospital of city in earth
15. What color is your hair?
Mostly black
16. What sports you often watch?  
Nothing. I'm not really curious in sport

17. Any person the most special to you?
They are

18. Whom? 
My Family. Now and future

19. Had a pet? 
No. But I like to have one

20. What your zodiac?    

21. When you little you want to be?
22. Place where you like?   
My own room 

23. What is the best outfit ever you wear as a child
Don't remember

24. How many centimeters tall are you?
Around 171 cm

25. Animals that annoy you

26. The words most often you said?  
Why are you concern with that?

27. Your Favorite Flowers? 
Carnivorous one
28. What do you do when you're bored? 
Do anything

29. What time did you sleep last night? 
After midnight

30. What are you want to be as grown up? 
31. Thing you often imagine?
Too many

32. Favorite anime character
No one special

33. Portion of what you like on your body

34. You type like depend on your friends
They never talk about that

35. You sleep with?  
Bed off course
36. Which is many (eat, drink, snack)?

37. Resting a minute ... Okay  we go again ...

38. Been kissing
That's not your business 

39. Thing you want to achieve to the most you dear? 
The best for them

40. The most Lost feeling with what people do?
When they overwhelmed themselves
41. Who are the musicians you admire? 

42. What Season is your favorite? 

43. Whom you hate?
You don't need to know

44. Your bed cover?

45. The song you always listen on your phone
Seldom to listening from mine

46. Clothes that fit you like to wear out of the house?
Anything but casual

47. Write lyrics that resemble the same story of your life? 
What should I wrote?

48. Where you want to go now?
Get a scholarship for master course to Tokyo, Japan

49. If already there what will to do?
School of course

50. What you usually did before bed?

51. The cover of school notebook?
I'm not schooler

52. Have a twitter?
I have

53. Name
54. Have blog?

55. Blog tittle?   
You've seen it 

56. Are there any girls send you message?

57. Who?

Most of them are friends

58. The contents?
None of your business 

59. What you replied?
same as above

60. Are there any guy send you message?   

61. Who?
Same with the girl question

62. The contents?  
None of your business 
63. What you replied?
same as above
64. That's enough

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